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Upper Limb, Hand and Brachial Surgery

Upper Limb, Hand and Brachial Surgery in Kolhapur

Upper limb, hand, and brachial surgery is a specialized field of surgery that focuses on the treatment of disorders and injuries affecting the shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand. It involves the diagnosis, surgical treatment, and rehabilitation of various conditions affecting these areas. It treats conditions of upper limb, hand and brachial, fractures and dislocations, nerve injuries and compression syndromes, tendon injury, soft tissue injuries, arthritis, tumors and cysts, congenital abnormalities.

Upper limb, hand, and brachial surgery may involve a range of surgical techniques, open surgery, arthroscopy, microsurgery. Following the hand, limb and brachial surgery, rehabilitation is very crucial for the recovery process. These rehabilitation programs are curated as per patient requirements.

Duration of hospital Stay: The length of the hospital stay varies depending on the specific procedure and individual factors. Some procedures may be performed on an outpatient basis, allowing the patient to return home on the same day. In complex cases to monitor the recovery process, hospital stay might be required.

Recovery Speed : depending on the complexity of procedure, several weeks or few months.